How to Take Care of New Custom Cabinetry

Once your custom cabinets have been installed, it’s important to take proper care of them for a lifetime of use. Cabinetry that is well taken care of will last decades and increase the value of your home. We’re going to outline the best ways to take care of and clean your new cabinets so that they can be enjoyed for years to come.

Cleaning Your Cabinetry

Clean your kitchen cabinets with a soft, dampened washcloth.

Clean your kitchen cabinets with a soft, dampened washcloth.


Cabinetry located in the kitchen are prone to grease and grime build-up that can damage or even destroy it altogether. One way to prolong the life of kitchen cabinets is to use a dampened soft cloth with warm water to wipe down your cabinets about once every two weeks. Simple soap and water is the best way for a thorough cleaning but be careful not to over saturate the wood!

After you’re done, use another soft cloth to remove any residual moisture. Should a spill occur, promptly wipe it up and dry the surface immediately. When drying, use a blotting technique rather than wiping.

Wipe with the grain to avoid scratches.

Wipe with the grain to avoid scratches.

Helpful Hint: Always wipe your cabinets in the direction of the wood grain. Failure to do so can scratch the wood and gives grime and/or cleaning residue the chance to hide in grain crevices and can also dull the finish.

10 Products You Should NEVER Use On Your Cabinets

Just as important as cleaning with soap and water, there are a few things you should not use when cleaning up:

  1. Petroleum-based products

  2. Bleach

  3. Plastic Brushes

  4. Steel Wool

  5. Solvents

  6. Strong Soaps or Detergents

  7. Scouring Pads

  8. Nail Polish Remover

  9. Ammonia

  10. Paint Thinners

Products that include any of these ingredients or other acidic materials can cause significant damage to your cabinets, impact their appearance and reduce their overall life.

The Life of Our Cabinets

Regular maintenance will prolong the life of your cabinets.

Regular maintenance will prolong the life of your cabinets.

Your new Schjenken Cabinets are built by our team of dedicated professionals with the finest materials and tools in the industry. When cleaned regularly with mild soap and a damp cloth, you’ll be surprised how long your custom creation will last.  

If you’re ready to throw out the old and install new cabinetry or other woodworking projects, bring your ideas to Schjenken Cabinets.

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